ISSN 2224-1825
Biblioteki nacionalʹnyh akademij nauk: problemy funkcionirovaniâ, tendencii razvitiâ
The Editorial board of the collection of papers “Libraries of national Academies of Sciences: problems of functioning, tendencies of development” in its work is guided by the norms of the legislation of Ukraine in the field of education, scientific activity and intellectual property.
Articles submitted for publication in the collection have to present original researches or innovative practical experience that have never been published before.
Articles submitted for publication have to be in Ukrainian, Russian, English.
The articles are published free of charge.
Stages of the Editorial board work on articles before publication are:
- check for compliance with the requirements for editorial design in accordance with state standards of Ukraine (DSTU 3008-95 “Documentation. Reports in the field of science and technology. Structure and rules of design”; DSTU GOST 8302: 2015 “Bibliographic reference. General provisions and rules of drafting” ; DSTU 3582: 2013 “Bibliographic description. Abbreviation of words and phrases in Ukrainian. General requirements and rules”);
- internal peer review of articles (in accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine of January 15, 2018 No. 32 “On Approval of the Procedure of Forming the List of Scientific Professional Editions of Ukraine”);
-checking of articles for plagiarism (Articles 1, 5 of the Law of Ukraine "On Scientific and Scientific and Technical Activities"; Article 50 of the Law of Ukraine "On Copyright and Related Rights"; Clause 16 "Procedure for awarding scientific degrees and awarding the scientific title of senior research associate»).
Stages of preparation for printing
By submitting an article to the editor, the author agrees to publish the text and metadata of the article (including the author's last name and initials, place of work, e-mail address) in print and electronic versions of the edition, which stipulates compliance with the Open Access Policy under the terms of the Attribution-Non Commercial License –Share Alike 4.0 International (see − the possibility to read, download, copy and distribute the content of the article free for educational and research purposes with obligatory indication of authorship.
1. Articles should be submitted by June 1 of the current year.
2. Articles must be accompanied by a review signed by a Doctor or Candidate of Sciences, or a specialist in the profile without a scientific degree. The signature of the reviewer must be stamped in the personnel department.
3. The electronic version of the article should be submitted to the edition. The date when the article was submitted has to be indicated on the last page.
4. If borrowing from materials of other authors without citing the source were identified in the article, the Editorial board won’t return the article to author for refinement and won’t publish it. The Editorial board has to inform the author about the case.
In the case of repeated detection of borrowings, the Editorial board reserves the right not to accept further articles of this author.
5. Citation rules:
- all quotations should end with references to sources;
- references to own publications are allowed only in case of urgent need;
- if there is a reference to the scholar's surname in the literature or in the article main body, his/her publication should be on the general list of references after the article.
6. The Editorial Board organizes internal peer review of articles. In case of negative review of the article, the editorial board informs the author on the result of the review by sending him/her review via e-mail.
The structure of the article
1. UDC Index.
2. Information about the author in Ukrainian, Russian and English, containing the following data (without abbreviations and acronyms): surname, name, patronymic, academic degree, academic title, position indicating the structural unit and the name of the institution at the main place of work of the author. For example: Halyna I. Kovalchuk, Doctor of History, Professor, Director of Institute for Book studies, V.Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine; the international ORCID scholar ID is required.
3. Contact information: country of residence, city, telephone number, e-mail.
4. Title of the article in Ukrainian, Russian and English.
5. Abstracts and keywords in three languages (Ukrainian, Russian, English) in the range of 1800-2300 characters with spaces. The abstract should be in the form of one paragraph, with a width alignment; the abstract is submitted in accordance with the requirements of scientometric bases as a structured abstract and should contain the following selected elements: the purpose of the work, methodology, scientific novelty, conclusions, keywords. The abstract in Russian and English is a translation of the Ukrainian-language version, in the range of 1800-2300 characters with spaces. Keywords range is 3−8.
УДК 02:[1/2+7/8+93/94]:004
Е. Воскобойникова-Гузева,
зав. кафедрой Киевского университета им. Б. Гринченко,
д-р наук по соц. коммуникациям,
ст. науч. сотр.,
Украина, г. Киев
Статья посвящена определению возможных перспектив развития библиотековедения как составляющей цифровой гуманитаристики. Рассмотрена проблематика новейших исследований отечественных библиотековедов, связанная с разработкой стратегий деятельности современной библиотеки в цифровом пространстве – формирование цифровых коллекций, цифровая информация и управление знаниями, взаимодействие библиотеки и цифровой науки. Отдельное внимание уделено информационно-технологической парадигме подготовки будущих специалистов библиотечно-информационной сферы. Выводы о возможных векторах дальнейших библиотековедческих исследований базируются на анализе Манифеста цифровой гуманитаристики и ряда публикаций, посвященных науковедческому анализу цифровой гуманитаристики, а также становленню цифровой гуманитаристики в Украине.
Ключевые слова: библиотека, библиотековедение, цифровая гуманитаристика, информационные науки, гуманитарные науки
Requirements for the main text
The text of the article should include:
- statement of the problem in general and its relation to important research or practical tasks;
- an analysis of the latest research and publications related to the problem and which the author relies on, the selection of previously unresolved parts of the general problem to which the article is devoted;
- formulation of the goals of the article (formulation of the task);
- presentation of the main research material with full justification of the scientific results;
- conclusions from this study and prospects for further exploration in this direction (Excerpt from the Resolution of the Presidium of the Higher Attestation Commission of Ukraine dated 15.01.2003 No. 7-05 / 1).
Any statistics provided in the article must be backed up with links to sources.
The List of Sources
The list of sources used in the article is formulated in accordance with National Standard DSTU 8302: 2015 "Information and Documentation. Bibliographic Reference. General Terms and Conditions of Compilation". The list can be formalized automatically at the link
Examples of bibliographic records:
Лобузіна К. Бібліотечні класифікації в сучасних інформаційних сервісах. Київ, 2010. 132 с.
Article in periodical:
Гранчак Т. Соціокультурний дискурс національних бібліотек України як інструмент формування національної пам’яті / Т. Гранчак // Бібл. вісн. – 2016. – № 6. – С. 7–14.
Картина науки в библиометрических портретах ученых / Л. И. Костенко, А. И. Жабин, Е. А. Кухарчук, Т. В. Симоненко // Библиотеки национальных академий наук: проблемы функционирования, тенденции развития. – 2014. – Вып. 12. – С. 70–78.
Dissertation and abstract of dissertation:
Литвинова Л. А. Дисертаційні дослідження як джерело визначення стану і тенденцій розвитку книгознавства, бібліотекознавства, бібліографознавства в Україні (1994–2012) : дис ... канд. наук із соц. комунікацій. Київ, 2013.
Abstracts, conference materials:
Добра Н. В. Джерела наукової інформації для забезпечення інтегрованого доступу до зарубіжних і вітчизняних наукових ресурсів / Н. В. Добра // Бібліотека. Наука. Комунікація: формування національного інформаційного простору : матеріали міжнар. наук. конф., 4–6 жовт. 2016 р. – Київ, 2016. – С. 318–321.
1. The References block is submitted after the list of sources used to include the publication of scientific information and indexing by scientometric systems (Google Scholar, etc.).
2. In this block, all the sources used are in Latin, that is, the sources, which have the original Latin name, are presented unchanged, and Cyrillic should be transliterated.
3. Transliteration of Ukrainian-language sources is carried out in accordance with the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 55 of January 27, 2010 “On streamlining the transliteration of the Ukrainian alphabet in Latin”.
Transliteration of Ukrainian-language sources can be made, transliterating Cyrillic characters in Latin correspondences according to the CMU Resolution (table on materials of the site
4. Transliteration of Russian-language sources should be made in accordance with the requirements of the Order of the FMS of the Russian Federation of February 3, 2010 № 26. The following table is compiled according to the materials of
References are submitted according to the APA (American Psychological Association) International Standard.
6. Automatically a list of used sources according to APA standard can be made on the sites:, .
7. When designing the References block, do not use bibliographic descriptions according to the state standard of VAK ("//", "/", "-", ";", ":"). Separate parts of the record are separated by semicolons, semicolons, parentheses, or parentheses.
APA-style References (American Psychological Association)
The book.
The name and initials of the author(s) are transliterated. The year is indicated in parentheses after the author's last name and initials. The title of the book is transliterated and translated. Translated name is given in square brackets. Italicized text is the transliterated name of the book. The place of publication in English and the transliterated name of the publisher are provided. The square brackets indicate the language.
Schematic link:
Author, A. A., Author, B. B., & Author, C. C. (Year). Book title transliterated. Location: Publisher. [In language].
Ukrainian version:
Ісаєвич Я. Українське книговидання : витоки, розвиток, проблеми. Львів : Ін-т українознав. ім. І. Крип’якевича НАН України, 2002. 520 с.
Isaievych, Ya. (2002). Ukrainski knyhovydannia: vytoky, rozvytok, problemy [Ukrainian book publishing: origin, development, issues]. Lviv: Instytut of Ukrainian Studies named after I. Krypiakevycha NAN of Ukraine. [In Ukrainian].
Article in periodical
The name and initials of the author (s), the title of the article and the name of the periodical are translated. The year is indicated in parentheses after the author's last name and initials. The title of the article is translated into English and given in square brackets. The transliterated title of the article and the transliterated name of the journal are italicized. For journals that have numbered volumes and issues, the volume number and issue number are specified, and the number is therefore italicized. The words "volume" and "issue" are not indicated. Only the first word is written in the title of the capital letter; each word is written in the capital of the periodical.
Schematic link:
Author, A. A., Author, B. B., & Author, C. C. (Year). Title of article. In Title of periodical transliterated [Title of periodical translated], volume number (issue number), pages range. [In language].
Ukrainian version:
Литвинова Л. Дисертація як інформаційне, наукознавче та документознавче джерело (на прикладі спеціальності 07.00.08 – «Книгознавство, бібілотекознавство, бібліографознавство») / Л. Литвинова // Бібліотечний вісник. – 2010. – № 4. – С. 62.
Lytvynova, L. (2010). Dysertatsiia yak informatsiine, naukoznavche ta dokumentoznavche dzherelo (na prykladi spetsialnosti 07.00.08 – «Knyhoznavstvo, bibilotekoznavstvo, bibliohrafoznavstvo») [The dissertation as information, science for science and documentation studies source]. Bibliotechnyi visnyk – The Library journal, no 4. p. 62. [In Ukrainian]
Russian version:
Земсков А. И. Основные задачи библиотек в области библиометрии / А. Земсков // Информация и инновации. – 2017. – № 1. – С. 79–83.
Zemskov, A. I. (2017). Osnovnye zadachi bibliotek v oblasti bibliometrii [The main tasks of libraries in the field of bibliometry]. Informatsiia i innovatsii – Information and Innovations, no.1, pp. 79–83 [in Russian].
Dissertation and abstract of the dissertation
The title of the dissertation or abstract is translated and translated. The transliterated version is in italics, translated in square brackets. Indicates what kind of dissertation or abstract (Doctoral dissertation − PhD dissertation - PhD dissertation - Extended abstract of PhD dissertation - Master's or PhD thesis abstract) - Master's Thesis, etc.). The year is indicated in parentheses after the author's last name and initials. The transliterated name of the institution where the thesis was defended or its official translation is provided (the latter being preferred).
Schematic link:
Author, A. A. (Year). Title of dissertation transliterated [Title of dissertation translated] (Doctoral dissertation, PhD dissertation, Extended abstract of PhD dissertation etc). Name of Institution, Location. [In language].
Ukrainian version:
Litvinova LA Dissertation Research as a Source for Determining the State and Trends in the Development of Books, Librarianship, Bibliographic Studies in Ukraine (1994–2012): Ph.D. in Social Sciences. communications. Kyiv 2013.
Lytvynova, L. A. Dysertatsiini doslidzhennia yak dzherelo vyznachennia stanu i tendentsii rozvytku knyhoznavstva, bibliotekoznavstva, bibliohrafoznavstva v Ukraini (1994-2012) [Dissertational studies as a source for defining the state and tendencies of the development of Book Studies, Library Studies and Bibliography Studies in Ukraine (1994–2012)] (PhD dissertation). V. Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine. Iin Ukrainian].
Abstracts of papers, materials of conferences
The title of the report is translated and translated. The translation is in square brackets. Indicate where the report is printed (italics), namely: Abstracts of Papers, Proceedings of the conference (symposium, congress, etc.) - Proceedings of the Conference (Simposium, Congress, etc.). The pages of the publication are in parentheses. The place of publication in English and the transliterated name of the publisher are provided. The date of the conference (symposium, congress, etc.) is given in brackets after the author's last name and initials. The parentheses indicate the language of the publication.
Schematic link:
Author, A. A. (Year, Month). Title of contribution transliterated [Title of contribution translated] In Abstracts of Papers / Proceedings of the Conference (Symposium / Congress) (pages range). Location: Name of the Institution. [In language].
Ukrainian version:
Симоненко Т. В. Бібліометричні профілі в наукометрії / Т. В. Симоненко // Наук. пр. Нац. б-ки України імені В. І. Вернадського. – 2017. – Вип. 48. – С. 328–338.
Symonenko, T. V. (2017). Bibliometrychni profili v naukometrii [Bibliometrics profiles in science metrics]. Naukovi pratsi Natsionalnoi biblioteky Ukrainy imeni V. I. Vernadskohо – Transactions of V. I. Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, issue 48, pp. 328–338 [in Ukrainian].
Recommendations for compiling an English-language bibliography (References) are made by the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 6th ed.
Technical design
1. The text of the article is submitted in MS Word format (Times New Roman font, size 12, interval 1.5, A4 sheet format). Please do not use automatic numbering when typing.
2. The illustrations for the article are submitted in a separate file in jpeg format (resolution not less than 300 dpi); captions for the illustrations are also provided in a separate file.
3. References are formulated as follows: [8, p. (sheet) 25], where 8 is the order number of the source in the list, 25 is the page number (sheet). Reference to several sources: [8, p. (sheet) 25; 4, p. 67).
4. Quotes: «...»; double quotation marks for quotation in quote: «”...”».